Is this subject available for acceleration? YES
In this subject students assume the role of a designer-maker. They will acquire and apply knowledge of factors that influence design. Students will safely use a range of materials, tools, equipment and machines to transform these materials into useful products, while understanding the importance of environmental sustainability
This link shows a selection of jobs that have some relation to the subject of: Product Design & Technology: Textiles
Unit 1 – Sustainable Product Redevelopment
- This unit focuses on the analysis, modification and improvement of a product design
- Sustainable product design thinking
Unit 2 – Collaborative design
- Producing and evaluating a collaborative designed product. Design teams generate a design brief from a relevant scenario. Materials, techniques and processes are used to transform design options into products.
Unit 3 – Applying the Product Design Process
- A design brief outlines the context or situation around the design problem and describes the needs and requirements in the form of constraints and considerations.
Unit 4 – Product Development and Evaluation
- In the role of designer, students judge the suitability and viability of design ideas and options referring to the design brief and evaluation criteria in collaboration with a client and/or an end-user.
Please note Product Design & Technology: Textiles Unit 3&4 will not run at GPSC in 2021
- Creative and Critical Design thinking
- Environmental, Social and Economic Impacts
- Materials and Processes
- Design Brief, Production Plan, Feedback
- Evaluate Relationship between Designer and User
- Finished Product compared to Commercial Quality
Associated subjects
- Studio Art – Art
- Visual Communication Design
Students may only choose one (1) Product Design and Technology subject.
Product Design and Technology: Textiles is considered a folio subject for selection purposes.
Unit 1&2 – A $35 materials charge is attached to this subject
Unit 3&4 – A $40 materials charge is attached to this subject
Students will need to buy additional materials depending on their project