VCE Legal Studies - Gladstone Park (03) 9933 0500

VCE Legal Studies

Is this subject available for acceleration? YES

VCE Legal Studies investigates the ways in which the law and the legal system relate to and serve individuals and the community. This knowledge is central to understanding the workings of contemporary Australian society. Legal Studies examines the processes of law-making, dispute resolution and the rights and for individuals regarding the law.

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Unit 1 – Guilt and Liability
  • Legal Foundations – Criminal and Civil laws aim to achieve social cohesion and protect the rights of individuals.
  • The presumption of innocence – A principle of law that guarantees an accused the presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
  • Civil Liability – Protecting the rights of individuals, groups and organisations through areas of negligence, defamation, nuisance and contracts.


Unit 2:  Sanctions, remedies and rights
  • Sanctions – Approaches to sentencing and different types of sanctions once an accused is found guilty of an offence.
  • Remedies – Resolving civil disputes and the institutions available to resolve these disputes.
  • Rights – How individual rights are protected in Australia through the Constitution and through common law and statute law.


Unit 3:  Rights and Justice
  • The Victorian Criminal Justice System – Determining whether an accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. To impose sanctions where guilt has been found or pleaded.
  • The Victorian Civil Justice System – Determining factors of civil claims, while evaluating the institutions and methods used to resolve disputes. To determine the effectiveness of the Civil Justice system to achieve the principles of justice.


Unit 4:  The people and the Law
  • The people and the Australian Constitution – The Australian Constitution establishes the Parliamentary system and provides mechanisms to ensure that Parliament does not make laws beyond its powers.
  • The people, the parliament and the Courts – Parliament is the supreme law making body and the courts complement the role of parliament in making laws.


  • Identify key legal terms
  • Describe and evaluate case studies
  • Explain the key legal foundations
  • Discuss strengths and weaknesses of key elements of the law
  • Synthesise case studies and draw out knowledge
Associated subjects
  • Global Politics
  • English Literature
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