Gladstone Park is a traditional academic school. Progression from Year 10 into VCE is not automatic – all Year 10 students have a portfolio interview and from that a recommendation is made.
For those who successfully obtain a place in VCE we offer an extensive range of VCE subjects, including:
Progression from a Year 11 VCE subject into a Year 12 subject is not automatic. Students need to average C or better in a subject at Year 11 for that subject to be a Year 12 option.
Click here for the 2023 VCE Handbook
Click here for the Summary of VCE Procedures for GPSC Students
Accelerated Studies
Highly able students are encouraged to undertake a Unit 3/4 sequence in Year 11 but usually only if they have undertaken the Unit 1 and/ or 2 from the same subject in Year 10. Normally, students may undertake only ONE such sequence in Year 11. This must be approved by Senior School.
All students must still undertake a full VCE program in Year 12.
VCE Study Skills
Gladstone Park offers a 3 year study skills program commencing in Year 10 which aims to build students’ study capabilities and maximise exam performance.
The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is a senior school certificate designed to sit alongside the VCE, providing additional pathways for Years 11 and 12 students seeking vocationally oriented career options such as apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training or moving on to employment.
Gladstone Park offers a small and highly competitive VCAL program. Interested students in Year 10 must apply formally and have an interview to determine their suitability for VCAL.
Those considering VCAL should be:
VCAL provides students with a more flexible approach to their education and training. It aims to provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable students to make informed choices regarding work and further education. Personal development and the use of individual student interests are important components of the VCAL.
Click here for the 2022 VCAL Handbook
Click here for the 2023 VCE & Vocational Major Handbook