Is this subject available for acceleration? YES
This link shows a selection of jobs that have some relation to the subject of: Psychology
Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour.
Units 1 and 2
- How are behaviour and mental processes shaped
- External influences of mental processes
Units 3 and 4
- Experiences affecting behaviour and mental processes
- How is wellbeing developed and maintained
- Brain and nervous system functioning
- Psychological development
- Sensation and perception
- Attitudes, prejudice & discrimination
- Stress
- Learning and memory
- States of Consciousness – sleep
- Mental health
- Apply psychological models, theories and concepts to explain thoughts, emotions and behaviour
- Develop a range of science investigation skills through experimental tasks
- Apply research and ethical principles in the collection, analysis, evaluation and reporting of data
- Communicate clearly and accurately using appropriate terminology and conventions
Associated subjects
Level of Maths advisable: Further Mathematics