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History deepens our knowledge of humanity and introduces us to a variety of human experiences and values. It enables us to see the world through the eyes of others and enriches our appreciation of the nature of change.
This link shows a selection of jobs that have some relation to the subject of: History
Unit 1 – Twentieth Century History 1918-1939
- Events, ideologies and movements in the period after World War I
- The rise of the Nazi Party in Germany
- Hitler’s political and social policies
- Causes and events that led to World War II
- National Socialism ideologies and policies
Unit 2 – Twentieth Century History 1945-2000
- The Cold War – causes and consequences
- Competing ideologies – USA and USSR – the impact of these on peoples and events
- Complete a Historical Inquiry (research assignment) on a significant political or social movement (student choice) that occurred between 1945-2000
Unit 3 – Russian Revolution 1896 – 1927
- Evaluate the role of ideas, leaders, movements and events in the development of revolution from the coronation of Tsar Nicholas in 1896 to the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917.
- Analyse the challenges facing the emerging new order, and the way in which attempts were made to create a new society from the initial decrees of November 1917 to the end of the New Economic Policy and the rise of Stalin in 1927
Unit 4 – American Revolution 1754 – 1789
- Evaluate the role of ideas, leaders, movements and events in the development of revolution from the start of the French and Indian War in 1754 to the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
- Analyse the challenges facing the emerging new order, and the way in which attempts were made to create a new society from the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to the Inauguration of George Washington in 1789
- Analysis of cause and consequence
- Understanding of chronology
- Analysis of Source documents
- Understanding of historical significance
- Conventions of Academic writing
Associated subjects
- English
- English Literature
- Global Politics
- Geography