Is this subject available for acceleration? YES
VCE Accounting focuses on the financial recording, reporting and decision-making processes of a sole proprietor small business. Students study both theoretical and practical aspects of Accounting by using both manual and ICT methods. Students will apply their knowledge to a range of business situations and make decisions based on both ethical and financial considerations.
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Unit 1: Role of accounting in business
- The role of accounting
- Recording financial data and reporting accounting information for a service business
Unit 2: Accounting and decision-making for a trading business
- Accounting for inventory
- Accounting for and managing accounts receivable and accounts payable
- Accounting for and managing non-current assets
Unit 3: Financial accounting for a trading business
- Recording and analysing financial data
- Preparing and interpreting accounting reports
Unit 4: Recording, reporting, budgeting and decision-making
- Extension of recording and reporting
- Budgeting and decision-making
- Apply theoretical knowledge to actual and simulated situations
- Discuss factors affecting the level of success or failure of a business
- Discuss ethical considerations faced by business owners when making business decisions.
- Identify, classify and record financial data manually and through the use of ICT
- Use ICT, including spreadsheets, to construct appropriate graphical representations
Associated subjects
- Business Management
- Economics